The Spectrum of our Current Concerns


Brief insights and perspective  Articles

 There are many things that are (or should be) of general concern to us all.  This 'box' seeks both  to give some idea of the scope of our contemporary vision as well as giving some background insight as to what is involved.

The particular social sphere from which we come to these concerns is that of tertiary education and scholarship.   However,  we do not believe that the University should be ‘an Ivory Tower.’  Accordingly we see our broader responsibility  as one  seeking to assist the making of responsible decisions. We do this at three levels:


(i) Sort provocative articles to set the stage for considering the issues.  (ii) Longer articles that are illustrative of what is involved.  (iii) More in depth contributions of a scholarly character.



Purposefully opening the issues


Drawing on ideology, theory & history

                                                         The Spectrum  


Climate Change: Gaia at a Crossroads.


Agriculture and the Wider Care of Creation. [Link]


The Threat of Technicism. [Link]


The Threats of Terrorism/Organised Crime [Link]


Justice in the Public Legal Order [Link]


The Issues of Life or Death [Link]


The Company: The Responsible Use of Resources/Money/People/their Environment [Link]


The Technicist Trend of Higher Education [Link]


A Fuller Understanding of What it Means to be Human.  [Link]


Human Health:  including the Brain/Psychiatry/Addictions. [Link]


Biculturalism in New Zealand [Link]


Marriage Breakdown and Issues of Sexuality [Link]


The Preaching of the Gospel in Relationship to Secular Concerns [Link]


A Mode of Group Bible Study that lends itself to opening up of these Areas of Life. [Link]  “

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