An Introduction to the Sciences.
Chapter One Getting our Cultural Bearings Start here
Chapter Two Throwing Stones/Wandering Planets: Problems with the Aristotelean Theory of Motion
Chapter Three Organismic Physics and Mechanistic Biology: Aristotle and Descartes on ‘Nature’.
Chapter Four The Laws of Motion according to Descartes and Newton
Chapter Five----Does ‘Natural Law’ mean that Laws belong to Nature? Theism, Deism and Naturalism.
Chapter Six The Discovery of the Equivalence of Heat and Mechanical Energy.
Chapter Seven Fire and Atoms – A sketch of the Story of Chemistry until the Periodic Table.
Chapter Eight Magnetism, Electricity, Light and Sound
Chapter Nine The Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Chapter Ten The Fin de Siècle Crisis in the Mechanistic Paradigm of Physics
Chapter Eleven Energy/Life/Matter. Reality: a Plurality of Modal Aspects and Individuality Structures
Chapter Twelve Introduction to Mathematical Structures in the Context of the Modal Aspects of Reality
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